December 15, 2009

No paintings yet....sorry

For the last few months I have been in my studio. Seriously. I have not produced anymore paintings, although I still have a few of my old ones to give away. I know, I know...I keep saying I have more to post here but I don't do it. The last two were not taken and I suppose that left me a bit bewildered. I don't know why I should be, but I was. Anyhoo...:) moving on
Above is a photo of one of my latest projects. It actually turned out bigger than I had originally envisioned it, but it will easily fit a queen/king sized bed. My sewing projects will be the same as my paintings. Given away. I already have names in mind for most of the quilt tops that I've pieced, but of course, they aren't entirely completed yet. Other projects include reusable grocery sacks, aprons, jewelry bags, purses, clothing, tablecloths and place mats. I've even helped a dear friend recover a sofa that was given to her. That was a fun four days. Some yummy lunches accompanied our days of couch recovering. Thanks Karen....for hiring me.
Trying to "get to the end of my basket" is a daunting task but I am finding that one stitch at a time, one seam at a time and sooner or later the garment/project is finished. The same is true with our Christian walk. Just keep at it. One day I hope to have a clean studio and one project at a time to work on. It's good to clean out the cobwebs and start afresh. Thank you Lord for fresh starts.
Prayerfully yours,


b said...

Love the quilt lady!!! And it's huge! Would fit a king sized bed quite nicely... ;-)

Margie Whittington said...

The quilt is georgeous!!!!! You amaze me with your talents and your walk with the Lord. I am blessed to call you my friend.

Nancy Standlee said...

I love your quilt project. I'm impressed with your cleaning out your sewing basket.I've given away fabric because I realize it will never be made up. Good for you for carrying your ideas to completion. I've always enjoyed buying fabric and patterns.

Cindy Campbell said...

You three (Beth, Margie, and Nancy) are always so faithful to post to my blog. Thank you for doing that. There will be more quilts to come and I would be very happy to be able to give either of you one of my quilts. You will have to let me know....and Beth, I got the "hint". :)

Michelle said...

Beautiful quilts
You are giving your paintings away? How generous of you :0)

Joey said...

I love quilts. I grew up with my grandmother, and she made them. I would hide in the closet where she kept her quilts, because they smelled so good.

She died January 3, 2000. I was given two of her quilts, and they are so precious to me.

The quilt in the picture is so beautiful. You have such a gift. I would give anything to be able to do things that you are able to do.

And that you give them away! What a blessing you are! You are truly using your gifts.


Joey said...

You live in Arlington! I'm in Allen. My father-in-law is a Methodist Pastor at Trinity United Methodist Church.

You are a blessing!

Cindy Campbell said...

I have quilted for many years Joey. Recently I have put my paint brushes down to work on my fabric. It's proving to be quite an undertaking. Thank you for your kind words. I have several quilts finished and will post them later.

Order Pills Antibacterial said...

I will be your frequent visitor, that's for sure.

Will Not the End Explain

From "Springs in the Valley" for the 2nd of March..... Will not the end explain The crossed endeavor, earnest purpose foiled, ...