Taken by Kelly Wesley
Happy New Year, a little late. I haven't posted to My Daily Offering since the middle of December. Our Christmas and New Year's were busy, not hectic, but enjoyable. We saw our niece and her husband before Christmas. They were down from South Dakota. Even saying the word South Dakota makes me shiver. :) My oldest son, Andy, his wife Cassandra and their son, Eli were not with us this year for Christmas. The rest of the family were here. It was a small Christmas, presents-wise, but more meaningful to us than it has been in years past. It's not the quantity of the gifts, nor yet, even the quality, but the intent with which they are given that makes the giving of them meaningful. We did our usual Christmas morning breakfast at IHOP, which is always good. New Years came and went and it was 12:15 on the 1st before we even realized the new year had rolled around. After all, it IS just another day. :)
I will be posting my paintings here in 2009 fairly regularly. I might not get one posted every day but will make a valiant effort to be consistent. I also want to take this opportunity to thank those of you who wanted my paintings and have asked for them. It means a great deal to me. More than any of you will know. Again...thank you.
Above is my offering for today. It is watercolor on paper and was painted in
Margie Whittington's class several years ago. The Pears were real, not copied from any painting or photograph. This is not the easiest way for me to paint. I
should paint that way more often but photographs are easier to transport when going somewhere else to paint. Terms for this painting are to the right under "About Me".
My warm wishes and prayers for a prosperious New Year are with you all.