March 13, 2009


Taken by Bradi Carney
I've been asked lately if I'm done offering my paintings on "My Daily Offering". Since not having posted for over a month I can understand why the question would be asked. The answer is no, I am not finished. I've only been sidetracked by family birthdays, anniversaries, a trip to Colorado and life in general. It's been on my list of "things to do" but obviously my list of things to do was longer than I had time for.
Above is my Daily Offering for this week. Sunflowers in a Vase. This painting is watercolor on paper and measures 9" x 12".
Hope all is well with everyone....


咪叩~ said...

下午茶 ,特色餐廳 ,景觀餐廳 ,新竹餐廳 ,親子餐廳,京都,美國,英國,義大利,歐洲,印度,埃及,汽車美容,婚紗照,婚紗攝影,婚禮,結婚,禮服,二手車,搜尋行銷,搜尋行銷,
農地買賣,土地買賣 ,廠房出租,中古車估價,中古車行情,租車,酒店兼差,酒店上班,酒店打工

咪叩~ said...

中古車行,中古車行情,中古車估價,中古車買賣,借款,汽車借款 ,台北當舖 ,融資 ,票貼,五金百貨大賣場,五金工具,電動工具,吸塵器,diy,Spa會館 ,美容spa ,健身 ,健身中心 ,健身房 ,plastic packaging,beauty care packaging,colour box printing,prinring supplier,printing manufacturer,color prinring,colour box,color printing,printing service,color printing,
農地買賣,土地買賣 ,廠房出租,中古車估價,中古車行情,租車,酒店兼差,酒店上班,酒店打工

咪叩~ said...

喜餅,喜餅禮盒,彌月油飯,彌月蛋糕,彌月禮盒,鑽石 ,月子餐 ,生化湯 ,坐月子食譜 ,坐月子藥膳 ,做月子 ,新祕,彩妝教學,造型,新娘造型,新娘祕書,二手車,中古車,中古車買賣,印刷会社,化粧品パッケジ,化粧品箱,カートン印刷,シルク印刷,ポスター印刷,パッケージ製造業者,ボックス製造会社,印刷業者,カラープリント,
農地買賣,土地買賣 ,廠房出租,中古車估價,中古車行情,租車,酒店兼差,酒店上班,酒店打工

Will Not the End Explain

From "Springs in the Valley" for the 2nd of March..... Will not the end explain The crossed endeavor, earnest purpose foiled, ...