Below is Diane Sawczyn's Multi-Colored Cross and below her cross is my painting entitled " Farmhouse & Silo" which measures 12"x16". Those who have been in Maureen Brouilette's classes at The Upstairs Gallery will certainly recognize this painting. :-)

Here is Diane's description of her cross. Multi-colored dichro cross can be worn with almost any outfit. Silver plated bail. Approximately 1.5" x 2.75".
Below are the latest updates from Cody's mother, Meloney Biggerstaff, posted yesterday and then again this morning. Please keep this family in your prayers.
Posted to Cody's medical blog yesterday.....4-13-09
It was a pretty good day and this round of chemo is over and he feels pretty good. They just told us that he doesn't have to be hooked up to an I.V. tonight and that got a big Cody smile, that's for sure. A night with no beeping is a welcome thought. They will just check vitals every 4 hours and we can live with that. He will lose his hair in the next week or two and we aren't looking forward to that at all, but that is just part of the journey. I told him we could get pizza to celebrate being done with chemo and he got a couple pieces down. Thanks for all your support and please continue with the prayers and GOD bless!
Posted to Cody's medical blog this morning 4-14-09
Good morning. Luck with nurses ran out last night and she had a rough time which stole a lot of our sleep. Oh well, she tried. I had just fallen asleep when Cody called and said he was going to be sick and he wasn't kidding. So much for the pizza and he was really sick for a while, but it passed. He is sleeping soundly now and he deserves it. No doctor yet today and we don't have his blood counts either. They are working on finding the right donor and need to find one pretty soon and I'm sure the perfect one will come up in plenty of time. Thanks everyone and we will let you know something when we do. GOD bless!
THE KELLEY'S of Hutchinson
There is another dear family that Robin and I know personally, Bill and Dana Kelley. Robin worked for Bill when he was in high school in Hutchinson, Kansas. They have remained close through out the years. Dana's daughter, Lindsey, is suffering from an autoimmune disease called Interstitial Cystitis. It is a chronic, debilitating disease and at present there is no cure. Surgery was done on her bladder to check for inflammatory cells and that went well. Prayers for Lindsey, Dana and Bill as they deal with the financial, mental and emotional strain would very much be appreciated
Jeremy Meister, the young man with the Lyme's disease is still struggling with his disease and is still hoping to find a doctor that will diagnose him properly so he can get into the Mayo Clinic. The tumor that was removed from his intestines several months ago is now back. Please continue to pray for Jeremy, his wife, and their six children.
Thank you for listening.
In Him, Cindy
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