I have recently been posting my little paintings done a la Nancy Standlee. Nancy encouraged us to paint at least one angel in our exercises and this is mine. I have named her Vespa. Here's the reason why.
Monday, early evening, Robin took our oldest son, Andy, for a short ride around the block on our new Vespa 250cc scooter. To make a long story short, a young man pulled in front of him, headed for a drive way, and for some inexplicable reason, came to a complete stop on Robin's side of the street nearly cutting off Robin's side. Robin slowed down to let him pass across the lane but wasn't prepared for him to stop. He tried desperately to avoid a collision, but couldn't save it. As the scooter went down, Andy was able to gain his footing with his left leg and hop off the scooter before Robin collided with the SUV and he ended up on the pavement with scooter on top of him. His collar bone was broken, his shoulder, elbow, calf and ankle are pretty skinned up and his rib cage on his left side is still very sore. Sleeping at night is hard and finding a comfortable position takes effort. We are all VERY thankful that the injuries were as minimal as they were considering that it could have been so much worse.
If you have a mind to and feel led, please remember Robin in your prayers. It will be a six week healing process. He is already making progress but he's still pretty banged up. Lest anyone think this has deterred either of us from our love of scooting, you would be wrong. It has postponed our enjoyment of it but not squelched it. We'll both be back to scooting around town as soon as Robin is able and we have our scooter back. I just refuse to live in fear. We'll just have to be extra special careful when we are out and about. Oh yes...we will be wearing our helmets.
Thanks in advance for remembering Robin. Life can change in an instant, so please tell those you love...that you love them. It's all about the relationships, dear friends.
Will pray for a quick recovery for Robin and Andy too, I'm sure he was scared. Love your Vespa Angel, she must have been looking out for them! Keep up the painting, you are doing such a good job. bg
Very nice painting, C2, and so aptly named. Keep scooting and keep painting. ns
I am anxious to see another angel on your blog, CC.
C2, I didn't realize you were blogging again. You go girl! Love your angel. So glad Robin's doing well.
so...when do we get to see the next installment? You tease!!
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