Today's offering was a class project done in Maureen Brouilette's class several years ago. It is watercolor on paper and measures 11" x 15". I'm sure you all tire of me saying this but....the cost to you for this painting, is nothing. It's free. No obligations, no pressure. If however, you do feel led to give a bit of money, your donation will be used to help needy families or individuals during not only this Christmas season but all year long.
I wanted to say here...that...some of my paintings are copies of other artists paintings. When I know the name of the artist I will give them credit but sometimes in class we worked from print outs and I can't remember the name of the artist. I apologize to any artist for using their work and would appreciate you letting me know your name. I will gladly give the proper credit to you here on this blog. Thanks.
For those you who have received one of my paintings and have contributed financially, I just wanted to let you know that Jeremy, the man with Lyme's disease, is able to go to Chicago to see a specialist for help with his disease. All this because you felt led to give. Thank you 100 times over for your generosity of spirit and kindness towards this man. I know he and his family are grateful. Let's just pray that he gets the help he needs and that God's hand will be with this physician in Chicago and Jeremy's health is restored.
God bless you all.
Cindy, someone will enjoy this painting as much as you did painting it. I know Jeremy's family appreciates all your effort. God Bless. ns
Cindy, I remember how much fun it was to paint this scene in Maureen Brouillette's class. It's one of my favorites -- thanks for all your effort on behalf of Jeremy and I'm so relieved he is able to get to see the specialist.
Sorry for being so late with my comments. I appreciate both of you responding.
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