Terms are always the same. I'm trying to figure out where I can post the "terms" so I don't have to retype them each and every day. Wonder if it would work to put them in theplace of my profile to the right? I'll have to try that. Anyway...the painting is free to you if you want it. No obligation to pay, it's yours. Should you, however, (and it's not expected) feel led to contribute to "The Daily Offering" fund, the bulk of the money collected from now until Christmas will be given to the Battered Women's Foundation of Fort Worth. Click here for more information. This foundation is helping abused women and families get on their feet and heal from their abuse. A worthy cause.
God bless you all during this time that we remember Christ's birth. Remember, God can do mighty things from a humble stable.
I want to explore more of gouache painting - maybe in 2009. Your painting is lovely. ns
Thanks Nanc. Appreciate your words.
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