Once I got up...I should say, Once I woke up, I fixed a bit of breakfast for the Bowtie man and myself. Eggs, sausage, toast, orange juice and coffee. Mine leaded, his not. Side note: three days a week we treat ourselves to cinnamon muffins and delish Corner Bakery coffee. We have tried many places...Shipley's, Mickey D's, Atlanta Bread, La Madeline, even Starbuck's, just to name a few...but our all time favorite place for coffee is Corner Bakery Cafe. CBC. (Inside joke for several that might view this.) Yesterday was the first of our every other days so we'll scoot to CBC tomorrow. One of life's little pleasures. I'll be sure and take a photo of the muffins tomorrow and post them so you can see what you're missing. :) ANYHOO....back to quilting. I get so side tracked sometimes. Comes from having six kids and having to multi-task I think....well...maybe not. You don't live inside my head...see...side tracked AGAIN. QUILTING...think quilting.
My nephew, John, (the Campbell side John not the Bramhall side John) and his wife, Laura are expecting their first baby, A BOY, (another Campbell man) in October. 21st I think. At Laura's shower I promised her a PB&J blanket (prayers, blessings and joy) for her little one when they knew what the sex was and had chosen the colors of the room. SO...they chose light blue and brown. I love light blue and brown. Those two colors always remind me of my very bestest of friends and shopping buddy...Ritabandita. Her bedroom always reminds me of a seaside cottage. Very light very bright and totally inviting. With the temperatures we've had here in the Dallas/FW area who wouldn't want to be by the sea by the sea by the beautiful sea or the mountains with it's crisp cool air and wonderful night of coolness for sleeping? I just have to hit the power button on my air conditioner in the studio and dream.....wow....totally sidetracked again... QUILTING....think quilting....
I wanted to show you the "bakerella" process of my quilting so here goes.
But I've run out of time and the fam is getting hungry. They haven't said anything yet but the infamous question, "What's for dinner?" I'm certain, is fixin' to be asked.
Hopefully I will make significant progress on the quilt tonight and be able to post that tomorrow.
Thanks for stoppin' by. 'preciate ya. (I think I've been living in Texas too long!)
In, to and for Him,
ps. seriously considering posting something daily even it's mindless drivvle....afterall....DAILY mean daily...I'm just sayin'
Vely Interesting, C2! I enjoyed seeing your process. I love the fabric choice. I love the name, P,B and J blanket!!!
Glad you are back to quilting. Next time you make scones, give me a buzz and I'll help you eat them.
Next time I'm putting dried berries in my scones. Still interested? :) Didn't we have a lunch date scheduled for the end of September sometime? Sounds vaguely familiar but I could be wrong.
Neat quilt, dahling. Love the brown and blue, but especially the paw prints. Looks like you're having fun!
I know John and Laura are really going to love the quilt. Handmade gifts are always the best. - Nora C.
Thanks Conn-eh. I'm trying to have fun. :)I learned that from CBC. LOL
I hope your right about them liking it Nora. Laura told me she liked the fabrics.
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